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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Monaco Editor with Syntax Highlighting</title> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <style> #editor { height: 800px; border: 1px solid #ddd; margin-top: 20px; } </style> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <h1 class="mt-4">Monaco Editor Syntax Highlighting</h1> <div class="form-group mb-3"> <label for="languageSelect">Select Language:</label> <select class="form-select" id="languageSelect"> <option value="javascript">JavaScript</option> <option value="css">CSS</option> <option value="html">HTML</option> <option value="json">JSON</option> </select> </div> <div class="form-group mb-3"> <label for="themeSelect">Select Theme:</label> <select class="form-select" id="themeSelect"> <option value="vs-light">Light</option> <option value="vs-dark">Dark</option> <option value="hc-black">High Contrast</option> <option value="dracula">Dracula</option> <option value="solarized-light">Solarized Light</option> <option value="solarized-dark">Solarized Dark</option> <option value="github-dark">GitHub Dark</option> <option value="monokai">Monokai</option> </select> </div> <div id="editor"></div> </div> <script> // Load Monaco Editor using AMD require.config({ paths: { 'vs': '' } }); require(['vs/editor/editor.main'], function () { // Create the editor instance const editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById('editor'), { value: `// Write your code here\nconsole.log('Hello, Monaco!');`, language: 'javascript', theme: 'vs-light' }); monaco.editor.defineTheme('dracula', { base: 'vs-dark', inherit: true, rules: [ { token: '', background: '282a36', foreground: 'f8f8f2' }, { token: 'comment', foreground: '6272a4' }, { token: 'keyword', foreground: 'ff79c6' }, { token: 'string', foreground: 'f1fa8c' } ], colors: { 'editor.background': '#282a36' } }); monaco.editor.defineTheme('solarized-light', { base: 'vs', inherit: true, rules: [ { token: '', foreground: '586e75', background: 'fdf6e3' }, { token: 'comment', foreground: '93a1a1' }, { token: 'keyword', foreground: '859900' }, { token: 'string', foreground: '2aa198' } ], colors: { 'editor.background': '#fdf6e3' } }); monaco.editor.defineTheme('solarized-dark', { base: 'vs-dark', inherit: true, rules: [ { token: '', foreground: '839496', background: '002b36' }, { token: 'comment', foreground: '586e75' }, { token: 'keyword', foreground: 'cb4b16' }, { token: 'string', foreground: '2aa198' } ], colors: { 'editor.background': '#002b36' } }); monaco.editor.defineTheme('github-dark', { base: 'vs-dark', inherit: true, rules: [ { token: '', foreground: 'c9d1d9', background: '0d1117' }, { token: 'comment', foreground: '8b949e' }, { token: 'keyword', foreground: 'ff7b72' }, { token: 'string', foreground: 'a5d6ff' } ], colors: { 'editor.background': '#0d1117' } }); monaco.editor.defineTheme('monokai', { base: 'vs-dark', inherit: true, rules: [ { token: '', foreground: 'f8f8f2', background: '272822' }, { token: 'comment', foreground: '75715e' }, { token: 'keyword', foreground: 'f92672' }, { token: 'string', foreground: 'a6e22e' } ], colors: { 'editor.background': '#272822' } }); // Change language based on selection document.getElementById('languageSelect').addEventListener('change', function () { const newLanguage = this.value; monaco.editor.setModelLanguage(editor.getModel(), newLanguage); }); // Change theme based on selection document.getElementById('themeSelect').addEventListener('change', function () { const newTheme = this.value; monaco.editor.setTheme(newTheme); }); }); </script> </body> </html> |